those mermories...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

anyway i went childcare centre on THURSDAY!
on the night before wed, i was so excited that i slept at 1pm plus HAHA!
but before thu, i fell asleep when revising bio HAHA!

ok, so the kids were K1s and 2s
i really love kids/toddlers.
i think that they are very innocent, kids are always so carefree..
hope i'm still a kid, dont have to bother about things.
when we gave them the goodies,,,
looking at how contented they are, for some inexplicable reason, i was on cloud nine.

my so called "buddy" was so cute!
everytime i ask him some thing,
he will say untill another topic and while he's trying to explain the stuffs to me, he was like trying his best to tell me but i dont really understand what is he refering to..
but i still like him!

awwwwww, lovely kids..
when can i see you again!

i think when i grow up, i will consider being a childcare teacher.
isnt this so fufilling in life?!

shall upload the pics on some other days..


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